Teaching & Learning

Teaching and Learning is a priority for ACA Partner Colleges

Operating since the early 1960’s, Atlantique colleges have a history of excellence in skill development across the diverse geographies and economies of our four provinces. 


At the Innovation Centre, advancing Teaching and Learning across the Atlantic is at the heart of what we dedicate ourselves to. Using the collaborative power of Communities of Practice, experts from our seven Partner Colleges come together to examine, research, discuss, share, and action Teaching and Learning priorities. 

Please find below the recordings of webinars to support your learning and foster equitable, inclusive teaching practices.

  • Exploring an Indigenous Competency-based Framework – Pedagogy of Peace (coming soon)
  • Approaching inequities in PSE (coming soon)
  • Universal Design for Learning; Culturally Relevant Pedagogy
    • Session 1 – Equitable Teaching: Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT)
    • Session 2 – Creating an Inclusive Classroom Community (coming soon)
    • Session 3 – UDL in Practice (coming soon)


ACA Universal Design for Learning Webinar Series

SESSION 1: Equitable Teaching - Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT)

ACA Universal Design for Learning Webinar Series

SESSION 2: UDL Creating an Inclusive Classroom Community

ACA Universal Design for Learning Webinar Series (Session 3)

SESSION 3: UDL in Practice

Pedagogy of Peace Webinar